Friday, June 24, 2011

Random thoughts on Summer Days

This day started out great. Sitting on the deck sipping a beverage. Then on to laundry (which I hung on the line outside) sprayed the weeds in the grass. Put down bug killer and cleaned my shower. Man am I glad I don't work on Fridays (wait I just don't get paid for the work I do on Fridays).

Mike has been working out of town all week. I am sitting in the shade waiting to take him home. Its funny how after sleeping next to someone for 30+ years you can't sleep when they aren't there. I have really missed him. Next week he is off to Monticello for the week. He has lost so much weight this year I have got to get the boy some new pants. He is dragging them around half way down his legs.

I went to the doctor today for my check up. Things weren't as bad as I thpught with my blood sugar but everything else is a different matter. Checking on my heart to make sure my shortness of breath isn't anything serious. Also checking on my gallbladder to see if that is why my stomache is acting up. Oh and my knee, checking on the arthritis in it. Trying to decide if it is time for a new one. I am almost hoping so. It has started to hurt quite badly. I feel like I am falling apart. But life is really looking up.

We bought a new truck last week. Took our old one in for its 2nd oil change (it was 3 years old) and a new pickup followed up home instead. It is pretty awesome and runs like a cut cat. That Mikey is so spoiled.

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