Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Random Thought Again

It is Sunday once again and today the whole fam is sluffing church. Mike is sick. He has been for a week but finally he is sick enough that he let me take him to the doctor. I wish that he would listen a little sooner. If he had gone to the doctor yesterday like I wanted him to, he would be on the road to recovery today. Instead, today (on Sunday), we were off to the InstaCare (Bless them). Nothing major, just a sinus/respiratory infections with a side dose of ear infection. So off to the pharmacy for some antibiotics, decongestant and then back home in the chair with the Snugglie. He laid around all day yesterday which lets me know that he really is sick, not just whining, because he is the busiest person I know. He doesn't do down time well. Dave is running a close second with the runny nose etc and now my throat is tickling. Can I tell you how tired I am of winter..........

I have been cleaning house preparatory to starting to demolish our upstairs bathroom. We are looking at 26 years with the same plumbing and things have been leaking a little bit in the past. So it's out with the old and in with some new. We were able to match the cupboard doors that are in the bathroom now so we won't have to replace the vanity, just the sink and top. Then we are going with a wooden "john" cabinent over the toilet for storage. We are taking out all the old tile (which includes the walls) installing new tile on the walls and in the tub and then going with a tile floor. New tub bars (for old people) and towel racks and hopefully in a few weeks, we are good as new. Then it's on to the down stairs bathroom. Because of the upstairs leaks, we have some damage in the downstairs bathroom to fix. Not quite as major as the upstairs but we are moving the doorway from the hall to inside our bedroom so it will now be an ensuite bathroom. How nice that will be. I will be keeping a journal on my blog of our success.

Last big remodel project will be taking the siding off from over the garage and installing new windows and rock on the front. Then the house will be all in this century and in good shape to sell. All we need to do is finish putting in our time and retire. Over the last 26 years, I have enjoyed being a home owner and still get great satisfaction from maintaining a nice home. But more and more I am ready to say "Home Owners Association Baby". Stand by for updates.


  1. My aunt Marva lives in a HOA community in West Jordan. I think shes starting to think she make a bad decision in that. I guess theres lots of drama that goes along with the club. lol. But it is a nice lil community and a nice lil house she has.

  2. Let it be known that Mike was using MY snuggie, and now i have the same crap that he has.


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