Well finally, after getting off to a bad start, the week has started going good. I was at work today, finally accomplishing something, jamming to some good redneck tunes on my MP3 player. I had the tunes cranked so I couldn't hear the lady sitting next to me complain about her soon to be ex any more. So I am sitting there rocking to a little redneck music by Keith Anderson "Pickin' Wild Flowers" which is best listened to really loud. Like I said I am jammin, and typing away and my good buddy Nick, who I work with, taps me on the shoulder and says "We are having a disaster drill, are you coming????". So off goes the music, grab my sweater and my purse and out the door I go. Then I don't know why I thought I was signed up to be the bathroom monitor (to save all the ladies lives that are hanging out in there) but I did. Needless to say, that's not the job assigned to me, I found out what my job really should be, then we headed outside into the sub-freezing weather to the meeting point. And waited and waited and discussed what we had done and the fact that in a disaster situation, we will probably all die. So I'm wondering, as the trucks and cars are whizzing by us and I can't here what my boss is saying, why can't we take this inside and discuss it in the relative peace and warmth of our building????
Anyway, good thing it was only just a drill, I now know what my job is and the lady that sits next to me has promised to make sure she won't leave me again. Maybe I will make it out of the dungeon I work in alive if we do really have a disaster.
On a more somber note, I have been reading and listening to reports about the damage that occurred earlier this week in Haiti. They were hit with an earthquake that hit 7.0 on the Richter scale. Due to the poorness of the country and the substandard building practices, thousands of people are out of their homes, with no shelter and no support. Once again I am grateful for the country I live in and the laws that sometimes frustrate me but are mostly for my own protection. I am so glad to live in a house that is securely built, with food storage provisions that would allow us to survive in relative comfort should an emergency happen here.
I was talking to my oldest son today who had to make a very important presentation for his business. This was the first time he had to do this and he has been worrying and fretting about it for a week now. He did ok, said it was constructive and he has guidelines that he needs to follow to correct his business plan. So his brother and I decided we would help him and rewrite his business plan. We texted him a picture of his new business plan that we had created, on a very stunning red piece of construction paper with our best black sharpie marker. Of course we got a few words wrong, but a few strikeouts wouldn't hurt anything, at least he would know we proof read it. We haven't heard back from him, as to when he wants us to come up and present it to his company vice president for him, but we do want him to know that we are ready anytime he makes the call. The thing I love best about both of my kids, is they have a sense of humor, though sometimes it gets a little lost.
As I am sitting here listening to Dave sing "Ala-freakin-bama" over and over along with the song he is listening too, I am so sorry that musical/vocal talent isn't one of the talent's that he was given in the pre-existence. He will just have to work on enlarging his other talents (when he finds them).
Can I tell you how much I love being a MOM?????? It's great some days and this is one of them. Thank you God for my blessings.
Its good to hear that his meeting went well. And I love your plan to suckess, its pretty awesome!