I can't believe it's been so long since I have had anything important to write about. Sometimes, I wonder what I have done to deserve the blessings I have received in my life. When I was young and knew it all, my Dad and I were constantly at loggerheads (does anyone besides me know what that means, if so you are probably old like me). Anyway, because I knew it all, I totally blew off high school but I graduated. Then I figured I knew it all and college wasn't going to teach me anything. Then when I was 25, with two kids and bills we couldn't pay, I went to job service for help finding a job that paid more than JCPenney. But the kind lady at Job Service informed me that they couldn't help me, I had no marketable skills. Looks like I had been hoisted on my on pertard (another one of those old words). Anyway, I made the decision then and there that I had screwed myself, it was up to me to make something of myself. Going to college, now that I realized how important it was, was not an option because I had two kids to raise and a husband who was gone all the time.
In my job at JCPenney, I had done a little bit of filing, nothing noteworthy, but it counted. So I got a job at IRS and that little bit of filing got me in the door as a GS3 rather than a GS2. In the last 24 years at IRS, I have hopscotched my way around the service, working in just about anything, but picking up those little skills along the way. My guardian angel has been watching over me all these years, putting me in the right place to learn skills that I had no idea what I would do with them down the road. I guess being willing to do any job put in front of you pays off in the end.
Now I am not the most intelligent person on earth, and the theory of accounting and algebra is just beyond me. I have taken just enough accounting classes to know that I hate working with numbers, and I can work an algabraic formula, as long as there isn't an X or a Y in there. But go figure, I work for the IRS. Anyway, I have no idea why things seem to work out for me but I am doing things I never thought I would be able to, and making more money than I ever thought I would.
It frustrates me that my kids don't understand how important college is. I don't want them to have to make the same stupid choices I did and learn their lessons from the school of hard knocks. But considering who they have for a mother, I can see that they will do things the hard way the same way I did. All I can do is pray for them and hope that they have the same blessings in their life that I have.
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