Katie for example, the oldest, is very introverted and keeps to herself. But if you need anything, she is the "go to" girl. She also happens to be married to my husbands best college buddy. I think this year is probably their 25th wedding anniversary.
Georgina (George to those of us who know her and love her) is the baby of the family but what a little mother she turned out to be. She and her family, Bruce and Cody, care for our mother who had a stroke 5 years ago. And you couldn't find better care givers. She has been married to Bruce for 21 years.
Mike and I have been married 30 years and I am the steam roller of the family. I am a take charge kind of person which I am sure drives them both nuts because I see a problem and I feel the need to stick my nose in and fix it. But they haven't kicked me out of the family yet so I am keeping on keeping on.
This picture was taken at my son's wedding in February. And the guest of honor is the woman who started it all, our Mom. She has aged a little lately in the last few years, she will be 78 this fall in August and is kind of like the energizer bunny, she just keeps on keeping on. She had a stroke in 2005, then a quadruple (or something like that) bypass and last September she fell and broke her leg. She is a strong woman and has been an example to us girls of how to be and how to raise a strong family. Between the 3 of us, we have given her 5 grandsons who she loves very much. She always loves to see them come visit and always has a big grin for them. They run in age from 28 to 18. And she loves her new grand-daughter in-law very much. I think mostly for how happy her grandson is.