I can't believe it's been so long since I updated my blog. It has been a very busy 2 1/2 weeks. Thanks to a wonderful family friend or two, I no longer have a bathtub in my frontroom or on my deck. The jacuzzi is in the bathroom, sheet rock is up, paint is on the ceiling and walls. Tomorrow is tile. I can begin to see the end maybe. It has been a difficult week, alot to do at home, alot on my desk at work and THE BATHROOM. To top if off, Mike is on call again. And I feel so sorry for the guy, he has worked 41 hours of overtime (on top of 40 hours of straight time) in 6 days. And still 1 1/2 days to go. That is pretty tough on an old dude. One day ended up being 20 hours long.
Today is Valentines Day and a Happy Valentines day to everyone. My sweetheart had big plans for Friday night, dinner out and flowers. Well, he dropped the flowers off at 2am on his way from one call to another and I had cheese and crackers for dinner. Am I disappointed, not really because I know the place I hold in his heart. And he works so hard for our family. Plusssssss, this week just paid for our vacation in two weeks. Yippppeee can you say Vegas Baby. Not that I love Vegas that much, but it's warm there (usually). And work isn't there, we can sleep in if we want to and do nothing but rest.
Brandon is getting married in 6 days. This has been a very bitter sweet time. I have tried to keep a low profile and mend my steam roller mentality and ways. I am trying to be a better mother-in-law this time around. I am going to try to live up to the example of the best one in the world. My mother-in-law Virginia was a stellar example of how to be. For the first few years of our marriage, she was very intimidating to me. Not afraid to attempt anything and accomplished at just about everything she tried. She worked full time and managed a house and a family in a way that I could only dream about. But as I grew to know her and love her, it became apparent that she had her own worries about being the best at everything and being afraid of failure. She taught me so much about patience and perseverance. And a lot about home arts and how to fake it when you are doing homemade stuff like pie crusts etc.
I was so blessed to be able to care for her in the last years of her life and to be able to give back to her a little of the love and caring she gave to me. If I can only live up to her example as a mother-in-law, I will be blessed yet again. She has been gone for 2 years now and I still do things and find myself reaching for the phone to call her and tell her about it. I know she is watching over me and I can't wait until my test is done and I can be with her and my Dad again.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Mike and I have lived in our home almost 25 years. We started building it in November 1984. Mike drew the plans and built it and then we have spent the last 26 years changing it. First taking out the kitchen window and putting in a deck. Then adding a bedroom and bathroom in the basement. Then taking out the bedroom in the basement and adding a master bedroom in the basement. Then adding a garage and familyroom and a second deck. And landscaping and changing landscaping. Then a new kitchen floor. And new carpet. And a new driveway and front porch. And a waterfall (when all I really wanted was the weeds pulled from the flowerbed). But it's beautiful and I am lucky to have such a talented husband. Now we are remodeling the bathroom. So out goes the tile and the sheetrock. And now I have a tub on my deck (the old one) and a tub in my frontroom (the new jacuzzi one) and nothing in the bathroom but a toilet that isn't connected to anything.
Tonight my wonderful hubby was sitting at the kitchen table figuring out the plumbing for the new taps and showerhead in the bathtub. I love how he just sits there with this far off look on his face because I know he is drawing a picture in his mind and that is one thing I can't do.
We thought we had the tile all picked out and the colors and everything but then there is a picture on the box the shower head came in and it is really awesome. I like that tile better and hope he does too. And the jacuzzi tub, man I can hardly wait. I never figured he would go for it because it is so much more work than we had planned on.
And the down side to the remodel? The timing. Our son is getting married on the 20th of February and we are having some family for breakfast the day after. And it looks like we will be a one bathroom family still. I PRAY THAT I WON'T STILL HAVE A BATHTUB IN MY FRONTROOM!!!!!!!!!
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